“CJADC2 is not just about connecting sensors and shooters; it’s about connecting decision-makers with the information they need to make timely and effective decisions.”
—General Mark A. Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJADC2 Vision
The DoD vision of CJADC2 is to enhance its ability to operate across multiple domains (land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace) and integrate information and capabilities more effectively. CJADC2 is founded on the principles of:
- Interoperability and Integration
- Data-Centric Approach
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Agile Development and Acquisition
- Cybersecurity and Resilience
- Joint and Coalition Operations
- Experimentation and Prototyping
- Training and Education
Sigma Defense is purpose built to enable the joint and coalition forces to leverage these capabilities and achieve the vision of CJADC2. Sigma Defense Olympus is an open-source technology ecosystem designed to help overcome the barriers to achieving CJADC2 and “connect decision-makers with the information they need to make timely and effective decisions.”
Explore the Olympus Ecosystem
Learn how Olympus delivers data and applications seamlessly between DevSecOps, the cloud, command and control, and the tactical edge.
Select the play icon above to begin. Playback/navigation controls are located along the bottom edge of the window. After the brief introduction, you can click on each section for a detailed description.
CJADC2 Challenges
Existing hardware is unique to mission requirements and/or service specific, requiring diverse and multiple skillsets to support operations in deployed environments.
Software development lead times can take months or years to certify and deploy, slowing new applications and capabilities being provided to the warfighter.
Difficult pushing software updates to remotely deployed locations jeopardizing cyber security posture.
Deploying AI/ML workloads to the edge is time consuming, resulting in outdated models and limiting real-time analysis in the field.
Cloud-based applications requiring constant connection often fail in the field, limiting the Common Operating Picture / Common Intelligence Picture (COP/CIP).
Proliferation of sensors and sensor data is overwhelming data networks, delaying delivery, analysis and decision making.
Solving CJADC2 Challenges: Sigma Defense Olympus
Olympus is an open-source technology ecosystem that integrates DevSecOps, Cloud and Edge Compute capabilities that can be used in concert or independently. It is designed to deliver new applications and resources to the field quickly and securely, streamlining implementation of complex technologies. Through a vendor agnostic approach to hardware and software, Olympus is interoperable, providing flexibility to implement exactly what is needed without lock-in.
Olympus Objectives
- Accelerate the collection, analysis and distribution of data and intelligence through modular, open-source software driven capabilities.
- Deliver timely relevant and actionable data for more informed decision making across domains.
- Provide cloud-to-edge software development capability through a DevSecOps framework that has achieved ATO from USN/USMC.
- Enable resource intensive applications (i.e. AI/ML, C5ISR) to run at the tactical edge.
- Push new applications and updates to edge devices as mission requirements evolve.

DevSecOps provides the foundation to deliver the “sense, make sense and act” objectives of CJADC2. From the rapid development and deployment of new applications to the edge, responding to changing mission requirements, to a software defined network connecting disparate hardware, the challenge of CJAC2 will be solved through a software led approach. Olympus DevSecOps provides:
- A DoD-Compliant DevSecOps-enabled Software Factory that accelerates software delivery through collaboration, automated testing, and continuous RMF.
- Accelerated deployment of new applications and AI/ML with greater confidence.
- Olympus Software Development Kit is a set of optional tools for developers to more rapidly develop applications targeted at Olympus Edge

The Olympus Cloud is the highly secure, centralized repository where applications and services are published, and data and intelligence are stored for distribution across the DoD, Intelligence, and partner coalition communities. Intuitive management allows users to define the software and data that flows from the Edge as well as tracking the status of hub and edge devices. Olympus Cloud provides:
- An “App Store” like repository for software distribution for remote updates and installation of new applications.
- The “Database” that aggregates data from the edge and provides the right data to the right users at the right time.
- Deliver timely, relevant, and actionable data to higher echelons for better decisions and distribute across tactical domains.

Edge Compute
Olympus Edge is a software-based application hosting and device management platform deployed on tactical hardware for rapid, multi-mission configuration of complex software systems in a tactical setting. It enables the ingestion of multiple sensor streams, local processing, analytics at the edge and multi-path connectivity to the cloud.
- Automated provisioning of Edge devices and simplified management of Apps and data.
- Software and data allow enhanced sense-making when disconnected and AI/ML processing filters actionable intelligence for distribution to higher echelons.
- Mesh network to maintain maximal connectivity.
CJADC2 Resources

Experts at Sigma Defense
Whether it’s Project Convergence, Project Overmatch or the Advanced Battle Management System, our team of experts is positioned to connect the various systems across a battle network and provide the tools that help the DoD and Intelligence Community dominate the information battlefield.